Tristan's Blessing
Baby Blessing Ceremony
Beautiful and poignant religious ceremony including a water blessing and candle lighting.
Table “Altar” is set up. A small bowl of blessed water with rose petals in it, is sitting in the center (it has been blessed prior to the ceremony). Six white candles are placed on the table. One represents Tristan, 2 represent the parents, 2 represent the godparents.
A source candle that represents God, this candle is for members to light the ceremony candles from.
You may choose to include other mementos on alter such as family photos, flowers, anything of special meaning.
You may choose to include other mementos on alter such as family photos, flowers, anything of special meaning.
Officiant: Welcome friends and family! Today is a very joyous day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Tristan who has been sent to us by God. This child is a piece of God that was given to the earth to make this world a little better, a little more interesting. This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Akil & Sherri have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
This event is also shared, if in a different way, by family & friends who have passed beyond this life. Their roles in the lives of Akil and Sherri are gratefully remembered. They acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Tristan. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Tristan may come to know his ancestors and the lineage that is his birthright.
They would like to take a moment to acknowledge Tristan’s Uncle, Hanif, Who could not be with us today as he is currently serving his country. We know he is here with us in spirit as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Invocation (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask God to be present and bless this service that is about to begin):
Officiant: Welcome friends and family! Today is a very joyous day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Tristan who has been sent to us by God. This child is a piece of God that was given to the earth to make this world a little better, a little more interesting. This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Akil & Sherri have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
This event is also shared, if in a different way, by family & friends who have passed beyond this life. Their roles in the lives of Akil and Sherri are gratefully remembered. They acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Tristan. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Tristan may come to know his ancestors and the lineage that is his birthright.
They would like to take a moment to acknowledge Tristan’s Uncle, Hanif, Who could not be with us today as he is currently serving his country. We know he is here with us in spirit as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Invocation (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask God to be present and bless this service that is about to begin):
Officiant: Let us pray
Heavenly Father, we ask for Your blessing here today. Protect our family and community and surround us with your infinite unconditional love. Keep us mindful that the miracle of new life is both a gift and path back to you. We ask that our sense of community be strengthened by what we are about to witness here today. Amen.
Charge to Parents:
Officiant: Tristan has honored you by choosing you as his parents. Therefore, honor him and remember that Tristan is his own being with his own thoughts and feelings. He is a child of the universe and has been given many gifts from the Divine so that he can light the way for the future. Therefore, it is important for you to support him and protect him, so that his gifts may blossom and he can make this world better than it was before. Akil & Sherri, will you promise to love, nurture, and support Tristan and to create a healthy environment so that he may grow on his specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents say: “We will”
Heavenly Father, we ask for Your blessing here today. Protect our family and community and surround us with your infinite unconditional love. Keep us mindful that the miracle of new life is both a gift and path back to you. We ask that our sense of community be strengthened by what we are about to witness here today. Amen.
Charge to Parents:
Officiant: Tristan has honored you by choosing you as his parents. Therefore, honor him and remember that Tristan is his own being with his own thoughts and feelings. He is a child of the universe and has been given many gifts from the Divine so that he can light the way for the future. Therefore, it is important for you to support him and protect him, so that his gifts may blossom and he can make this world better than it was before. Akil & Sherri, will you promise to love, nurture, and support Tristan and to create a healthy environment so that he may grow on his specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents say: “We will”
Charge to Godparents:
Officiant: I would like to invite Tammy and Mickey to please come stand by Tristan.
Tammy and Mickey, while you are not Tristan’s parents, the place that you have both taken in his life is an important one. Akil and Sherri trust your motivations and your judgment completely and they take comfort in knowing that although there will be times when Tristan does not come to them, that he will always be able to come to you for guidance and support. By accepting the role of God parents to Tristan, you say to him and the world “I promise I will be there for you as you grow into manhood”. With this in mind, I ask you …Will you as best as you can, help take care of Tristan? To protect him at all times from harm? To encourage, guide and support him in all of his endeavors? Help him to recognize the beauty within himself and all things. Will you support Tristan on his spiritual path as well as other paths in his life? If so, please answer “We will”.
God parents say “we will”.
May you always know how special you are to Akil & Sherri that they would ask you to tend to the most precious thing that they have in this world.
Officiant: At this time Tristan’s Godmother Tammy has some special words to say
(Tammy speaks)
The Blessing of the Child
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of his head and say:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on his forehead and say:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over his heart and say:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both his hands and say:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both his feet and say:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life. Know that you have angels to watch over you and that you are never alone. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Officiant: I would like to invite Tammy and Mickey to please come stand by Tristan.
Tammy and Mickey, while you are not Tristan’s parents, the place that you have both taken in his life is an important one. Akil and Sherri trust your motivations and your judgment completely and they take comfort in knowing that although there will be times when Tristan does not come to them, that he will always be able to come to you for guidance and support. By accepting the role of God parents to Tristan, you say to him and the world “I promise I will be there for you as you grow into manhood”. With this in mind, I ask you …Will you as best as you can, help take care of Tristan? To protect him at all times from harm? To encourage, guide and support him in all of his endeavors? Help him to recognize the beauty within himself and all things. Will you support Tristan on his spiritual path as well as other paths in his life? If so, please answer “We will”.
God parents say “we will”.
May you always know how special you are to Akil & Sherri that they would ask you to tend to the most precious thing that they have in this world.
Officiant: At this time Tristan’s Godmother Tammy has some special words to say
(Tammy speaks)
The Blessing of the Child
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of his head and say:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on his forehead and say:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over his heart and say:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both his hands and say:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both his feet and say:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life. Know that you have angels to watch over you and that you are never alone. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Charge to Grandparents:
Officiant: I would like to invite Tristan’s Grandparents to please come stand by him.
Grandmas & Grandpas, will you promise to support Tristan? Will you promise to play with him, make funny faces and noises to make him smile? Show lots of pictures of him to your friends spoil him to the best of your ability and share with him your wisdom and the memories of his ancestors? If so, please answer “We will”.
Grandparents say “We will”
The God parents & Grandparents do not stand alone this day. The presence and support of all of you, family and friends is needed for Tristan to grow strong and balanced. Each of you possess such beautiful qualities and strength of character that have been a blessing to Akil & Sherri’s life. Today we ask that you acknowledge your acceptance of the task of providing a supportive community to Tristan. Through your presence and example, you will help him discover his own extraordinary talents and contribute them towards a better world. There are many paths and each must find their own. So do you agree to teach young Tristan all the things you know to be true in your heart, so that when he is fully grown, he shall discover his own truths? He will know which path is his and shall travel it with joy. Do you so accept this responsibility? If so, please answer “We will”.
**They say “We will”
Officiant to Tristan:
I christen you that you may know the pure and holy spirit of God, your eternal source of faith. May you come to know God within your heart all the days of your life.
(Officiant will make the sign of the cross over Tristan and says):
We christen you Tristan in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Candle Lighting:
Officiant: In Christian worship traditionally, the lighting of candles has many spiritual meanings. The light of candle represents the light of a person’s life. The flame represents the eternal truth of God. The light shining forth represents God’s truth shining forth upon the world. For believers to collectively light a candle, represents the sharing and fellowship of faith; and traditionally represents the unity of the individual believers with Christ and the body of believers of Christianity, both in this world and in heaven.
I ask each Godparent and each parent to take one of the candles and light this candle. Then, together, light the center candle for Tristan, as the light of his life.
I ask that at the conclusion of this service, each of you keep your candle for this reason:
Should there be a time in Tristan’s future for which he faces difficult times of trial, or be called upon to make grave decisions – of hardship or joy, or become lost in spirit – you should, as the duty and obligation you have assumed today – find a quiet place alone to yourself. Light this candle or another and through pray ask for the safekeeping of Tristan in both body and soul from our Heavenly Father, and the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer of Gratitude
Officiant: Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing Tristan into this world, into our lives. Thank you for blessing this child and blessing us all with your presence here today. Thank you for bringing this family together to welcome Tristan to our community in love. Help us to live in your light and integrity every day, so that we may be good role models for Tristan and all our children. Watch over us so that we may all get home safely today. Amen
Thank you, Tristan’s ancestors, for being with us today to bless this child, protect this child and welcome him to this family. Let the memory of this day fill us with love and family.
“The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace” Numbers 6:24
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.
To the guests:
May God’s blessings rest upon you, may His peace abide with you, and may his presence illuminate your hearts now and forever more. Go in peace.