Traditional Baby Blessing With Water and Candle lighting

Below is a my traditional baby blessing with water blessing candle ceremony.
You may choose this ceremony just as it is written, or use my unique Build Your Ceremony Menu to customize it to your wishes.
Keep in mind all wording can be mix/matched or tailored to your wishes.
~Baby Blessing with Water Blessing, Lighting ~
•Moment of Remembrance
•Dedication of name
•Parental Charge & Promise
• Godparents Charge & Vows
*Acknowledgement of Grandparents
•Water ceremony;
•Candle lighting
• Prayer of Gratitude
*Closing words
Altar is set up with a small bowl of blessed water is sitting in the center (it has been blessed prior to the ceremony). Six white candles are placed on the table. One represents the baby, 2 represent the parents, 2 represent the godparents (or grandparents whatever tradition you have chosen). A source candle that represents God , this candle is for members to light the ceremony candles from. You may choose to include other mementos on alter such as family photos, flowers, anything of special meaning to the family. Soft music in background may be played while guests arrive.
•Moment of Remembrance
•Dedication of name
•Parental Charge & Promise
• Godparents Charge & Vows
*Acknowledgement of Grandparents
•Water ceremony;
•Candle lighting
• Prayer of Gratitude
*Closing words
Altar is set up with a small bowl of blessed water is sitting in the center (it has been blessed prior to the ceremony). Six white candles are placed on the table. One represents the baby, 2 represent the parents, 2 represent the godparents (or grandparents whatever tradition you have chosen). A source candle that represents God , this candle is for members to light the ceremony candles from. You may choose to include other mementos on alter such as family photos, flowers, anything of special meaning to the family. Soft music in background may be played while guests arrive.
On behalf of _____ and ___ I would like to thank you all for joining them on this joyous Occasion. A child has been born to ___ and _____ . Today before God, before parents, grandparents, godparents, family and friends we will bless and welcome this newly arrived soul into our midst. It is a special day in which her parents introduce her to her extended family, friends, as well as the community that she will live and grow up in. Today we will give thanks for the gift of this precious child. She is our hope. She is our future.
Your presence at this celebration today is greatly appreciated, as your continued support in _____ life will be welcomed and appreciated. All of you are among the most amazing treasures that life has given them, all of you are those that they can call family and friends.
There is one thing that we are certain of: the more love this child receives; the more he will be able to give love to other. The more people that make up his world, the richer his world will be. Each of you have unique gifts and offerings we hope that you will share with this child. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. Look around you. You are looking at (child’s name) village.
On behalf of _____ and ___ I would like to thank you all for joining them on this joyous Occasion. A child has been born to ___ and _____ . Today before God, before parents, grandparents, godparents, family and friends we will bless and welcome this newly arrived soul into our midst. It is a special day in which her parents introduce her to her extended family, friends, as well as the community that she will live and grow up in. Today we will give thanks for the gift of this precious child. She is our hope. She is our future.
Your presence at this celebration today is greatly appreciated, as your continued support in _____ life will be welcomed and appreciated. All of you are among the most amazing treasures that life has given them, all of you are those that they can call family and friends.
There is one thing that we are certain of: the more love this child receives; the more he will be able to give love to other. The more people that make up his world, the richer his world will be. Each of you have unique gifts and offerings we hope that you will share with this child. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. Look around you. You are looking at (child’s name) village.
Moment of Remembrance
Officiant: This event is shared, if in a different way, by those who have passed beyond this life. Their roles in the lives of ___ and _____ are gratefully remembered. They acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of _____. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories _____ may come to know her ancestors and the lineage that is her birthright
Invocation (This is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask God to be present and bless this service that is about to begin.
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, we ask for Your Blessing here today. Protect our family and community and surround us with your infinite unconditional love. Keep us mindful that the miracle of new life is both a gift and path back to you. We ask that our sense of community be strengthened by what we are about to witness here today. Amen.
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, we ask for Your Blessing here today. Protect our family and community and surround us with your infinite unconditional love. Keep us mindful that the miracle of new life is both a gift and path back to you. We ask that our sense of community be strengthened by what we are about to witness here today. Amen.
Dedication of Name
In every birth, blessed is the wonder.
In every creation, blessed is the new beginning.
In every child, blessed is life.
In every hope, blessed is the potential.
In every transition, blessed is the beginning.
In every existence, blessed are the possibilities.
In every love, blessed are the tears.
In every life, blessed is the love.
There are three names by which a person is called:
One which her father and mother call her,
And one which people call her,
And one which she earns for herself.
The best one of these is the one that she earns for herself.
To be named is to have an identity. By giving our child a name we welcome him/her to the realm of individuals. A name can reflect our heritage, honor family and sometimes reflect our personality.
As ___ grows she will acquire her own names and titles, some may even reflect her unique traits and personality. Her parents have given her a name to begin her journey.
Officiant: To parents
What name have you chosen for your child?
Father: “We have chosen the name ___” (You may want to say meaning of name)
Mother: “We have also chosen the name _____, (You may want to say meaning of name)
So be it. Now in the presence of loved ones, we give to you the name (Child's full name)
Let it become a name honored and respected for wisdom and good deeds. _________, we commit ourselves to the unfolding of your promise, may you walk the path of goodness, beauty, and truth. Do justly and love mercy, and be humble before the mystery of life and the grandeur of the universe into which you have been born.
May God's blessing rest on you now and always.
In every birth, blessed is the wonder.
In every creation, blessed is the new beginning.
In every child, blessed is life.
In every hope, blessed is the potential.
In every transition, blessed is the beginning.
In every existence, blessed are the possibilities.
In every love, blessed are the tears.
In every life, blessed is the love.
There are three names by which a person is called:
One which her father and mother call her,
And one which people call her,
And one which she earns for herself.
The best one of these is the one that she earns for herself.
To be named is to have an identity. By giving our child a name we welcome him/her to the realm of individuals. A name can reflect our heritage, honor family and sometimes reflect our personality.
As ___ grows she will acquire her own names and titles, some may even reflect her unique traits and personality. Her parents have given her a name to begin her journey.
Officiant: To parents
What name have you chosen for your child?
Father: “We have chosen the name ___” (You may want to say meaning of name)
Mother: “We have also chosen the name _____, (You may want to say meaning of name)
So be it. Now in the presence of loved ones, we give to you the name (Child's full name)
Let it become a name honored and respected for wisdom and good deeds. _________, we commit ourselves to the unfolding of your promise, may you walk the path of goodness, beauty, and truth. Do justly and love mercy, and be humble before the mystery of life and the grandeur of the universe into which you have been born.
May God's blessing rest on you now and always.
Charge to Parents
Officiant to Parents:
_____ and ___ Parenthood will bring you the greatest joys and the greatest worries. It is at once the most rewarding yet challenging of all jobs. The role of parent adds profound meaning and purpose to our existence. As (child's name) parents' you will be her most important role models. It is your responsibility to care for, nurture and provide for her and to create a foundation of support, love and respect so that she can stand on her own two feet when the time comes. So it is only right that this ceremony includes your promises to your daughter as she grows.
_____ and ___ Parenthood will bring you the greatest joys and the greatest worries. It is at once the most rewarding yet challenging of all jobs. The role of parent adds profound meaning and purpose to our existence. As (child's name) parents' you will be her most important role models. It is your responsibility to care for, nurture and provide for her and to create a foundation of support, love and respect so that she can stand on her own two feet when the time comes. So it is only right that this ceremony includes your promises to your daughter as she grows.
Parental Promise
1). ___ and _____ will you promise to love, nurture, and support _____, and to create a healthy environment so that she may grow on her specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents: We will
2). Do you promise to see her and honor her as a unique individual and to give her the freedom to live the life that is calling her.
Parents: Yes.
3). To teach _____ right from wrong, to enable her to make her place in society as a kind and caring person?
Parents: Yes.
4). To teach her the virtues of honesty, integrity, kindness, gratitude, discipline, courage and responsibility
Parents: “Yes.”
5). To teach _____ to celebrate diversity, never ever being aware of prejudice. Knowing no boundaries, to be loving of all that surrounds her in her life, and celebrate the similarities and differences in our world?
Parents: Yes.
6). To teach her to show mercy to all living things and the value of giving?
Parents: Yes.
7). To take from this earth only what she really need so that there is enough for others?
Parents: “Yes.”
Officiant to Parents : May Gods infinite love, strength and wisdom be with you in this amazing role. (child’s name) is blessed to have you as his/her parents
1). ___ and _____ will you promise to love, nurture, and support _____, and to create a healthy environment so that she may grow on her specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents: We will
2). Do you promise to see her and honor her as a unique individual and to give her the freedom to live the life that is calling her.
Parents: Yes.
3). To teach _____ right from wrong, to enable her to make her place in society as a kind and caring person?
Parents: Yes.
4). To teach her the virtues of honesty, integrity, kindness, gratitude, discipline, courage and responsibility
Parents: “Yes.”
5). To teach _____ to celebrate diversity, never ever being aware of prejudice. Knowing no boundaries, to be loving of all that surrounds her in her life, and celebrate the similarities and differences in our world?
Parents: Yes.
6). To teach her to show mercy to all living things and the value of giving?
Parents: Yes.
7). To take from this earth only what she really need so that there is enough for others?
Parents: “Yes.”
Officiant to Parents : May Gods infinite love, strength and wisdom be with you in this amazing role. (child’s name) is blessed to have you as his/her parents
Charge to Godparents and Vows
Children need many resources of support and for this reason we have the tradition of appointing Godparents. Godparents are someone who promises to teach and guide the child spiritually. Someone who through both word and example will help this child know that he is a beloved child of god.
(Parents names) have ask ___ and ____ to take on this special role in _____ life
Officiant to Godparents:
To be a Godparent is a great honor and responsibility. (Parent’s names) have chosen you with great consideration and care. They trust you and hold you in the highest regard..
I now ask you, as Godparents to this child will you, to the best of your ability offer, love, guidance, counsel and encouragement to _____? Be her/his advocate and confidant for life and be someone she/he can turn to as a friend, who will love her/him unconditionally. Will you keep this child in your care and prayers always?
Godparents say: We will
Officiant to Godparents: May God bless you and grant you joy in the giving of yourself to this beloved child of God
Children need many resources of support and for this reason we have the tradition of appointing Godparents. Godparents are someone who promises to teach and guide the child spiritually. Someone who through both word and example will help this child know that he is a beloved child of god.
(Parents names) have ask ___ and ____ to take on this special role in _____ life
Officiant to Godparents:
To be a Godparent is a great honor and responsibility. (Parent’s names) have chosen you with great consideration and care. They trust you and hold you in the highest regard..
I now ask you, as Godparents to this child will you, to the best of your ability offer, love, guidance, counsel and encouragement to _____? Be her/his advocate and confidant for life and be someone she/he can turn to as a friend, who will love her/him unconditionally. Will you keep this child in your care and prayers always?
Godparents say: We will
Officiant to Godparents: May God bless you and grant you joy in the giving of yourself to this beloved child of God
Acknowledgement of Grandparents (This is Optional)
There is no other bond quite like that of a grandparent and their grandchild. Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. They have a special love that sets them apart from anyone else. They are always there to love you unconditionally, to listen when you feel like you’re not being heard, and to give advice that is always wise and pure of heart.
____ is honored to have (say grandparents names) here today.
Officiant to the grandparents: There is a blessing that says “May you live to see your children’s children” I can only imagine how blessed it must be to see your children’s children.
It is in honor of all family members past and present that we offer this quote by Alice Walker : “ To acknowledge our ancestors means we are aware that we did not make ourselves, that the line stretches all the way back, perhaps to God. The grace with which we embrace life, in spite of the pain, the sorrows, is always a measure of what has gone before”
On this special day we see a lineage of love passed from generation to generation. In Plato’s words: “Love is immortal”.
Grandparents, on your grandson’s blessing day, we honor you. We thank you.
There is no other bond quite like that of a grandparent and their grandchild. Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. They have a special love that sets them apart from anyone else. They are always there to love you unconditionally, to listen when you feel like you’re not being heard, and to give advice that is always wise and pure of heart.
____ is honored to have (say grandparents names) here today.
Officiant to the grandparents: There is a blessing that says “May you live to see your children’s children” I can only imagine how blessed it must be to see your children’s children.
It is in honor of all family members past and present that we offer this quote by Alice Walker : “ To acknowledge our ancestors means we are aware that we did not make ourselves, that the line stretches all the way back, perhaps to God. The grace with which we embrace life, in spite of the pain, the sorrows, is always a measure of what has gone before”
On this special day we see a lineage of love passed from generation to generation. In Plato’s words: “Love is immortal”.
Grandparents, on your grandson’s blessing day, we honor you. We thank you.
The Blessing of the Child
Water is nature’s greatest element; in all the stories of creation water is the symbol of life. Water is infinite; it touches every shore, nourishing all people. It’s always in motion, taking on new forms -representing the great flow of life. It is a symbol of purity, clarity, reflection, wisdom and transition. It refreshes us, cleanses us and rejuvenates us. (This line is optional) Jesus walked into the waters of the river Jordan and emerged anointed with spirit.
We will now use this gift of water to bless this child:
Dear Little One, we welcome you with love, and ask for these Blessings to flow from Above,
May the love that surrounds you today will wash over you like rain every day of your life, just as this water rains on you now…
(As I will address your new baby I will use the blessed water on the top of her/his head, her/his forehead, her/his heart, both her/his hands and both her/his feet)
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of her/his head and says:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on her/his forehead and says:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over her heart and says:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his hands and says:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his feet and says:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Water is nature’s greatest element; in all the stories of creation water is the symbol of life. Water is infinite; it touches every shore, nourishing all people. It’s always in motion, taking on new forms -representing the great flow of life. It is a symbol of purity, clarity, reflection, wisdom and transition. It refreshes us, cleanses us and rejuvenates us. (This line is optional) Jesus walked into the waters of the river Jordan and emerged anointed with spirit.
We will now use this gift of water to bless this child:
Dear Little One, we welcome you with love, and ask for these Blessings to flow from Above,
May the love that surrounds you today will wash over you like rain every day of your life, just as this water rains on you now…
(As I will address your new baby I will use the blessed water on the top of her/his head, her/his forehead, her/his heart, both her/his hands and both her/his feet)
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of her/his head and says:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on her/his forehead and says:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over her heart and says:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his hands and says:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his feet and says:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
~This is a good place for a poem or reading read by Officiant, family member, or godparent.~
Candle Lighting
In Christian worship traditionally, the lighting of candles has many spiritual meanings. The light of candle represents the light of a person’s life. The flame represents the eternal truth of God. The light shining forth represents God’s truth shining forth upon the world. For believers to collectively light a candle, represents the sharing and fellowship of faith; and traditionally represents the unity of the individual believers with Christ and the body of believers of Christianity, both in this world and in heaven.
I ask each Godparent and each parent to take one of the candles and light this candle. Then, together, light the center candle for _______, as the light of his/her life.
I ask that at the conclusion of this service, each of you keep your candle for this reason:
Should there be a time in _______’s future for which he/she faces difficult times of trial, or be called upon to make grave decisions – of hardship or joy, or become lost in spirit – you should, as the duty and obligation you have assumed today – find a quiet place alone to yourself. Light this candle or another and through pray ask for the safekeeping of ____ in both body and soul from our Heavenly Father, and the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In Christian worship traditionally, the lighting of candles has many spiritual meanings. The light of candle represents the light of a person’s life. The flame represents the eternal truth of God. The light shining forth represents God’s truth shining forth upon the world. For believers to collectively light a candle, represents the sharing and fellowship of faith; and traditionally represents the unity of the individual believers with Christ and the body of believers of Christianity, both in this world and in heaven.
I ask each Godparent and each parent to take one of the candles and light this candle. Then, together, light the center candle for _______, as the light of his/her life.
I ask that at the conclusion of this service, each of you keep your candle for this reason:
Should there be a time in _______’s future for which he/she faces difficult times of trial, or be called upon to make grave decisions – of hardship or joy, or become lost in spirit – you should, as the duty and obligation you have assumed today – find a quiet place alone to yourself. Light this candle or another and through pray ask for the safekeeping of ____ in both body and soul from our Heavenly Father, and the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer of Gratitude
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing ___________ into this world, into our lives. Thank you for blessing this child and blessing us all with your presence here today. Thank you for bringing this family together to welcome __________ to our community in love. Help us to live in your light and integrity every day, so that we may be good role models for _______ and all our children. Watch over us so that we may all get home safely today. Amen
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing ___________ into this world, into our lives. Thank you for blessing this child and blessing us all with your presence here today. Thank you for bringing this family together to welcome __________ to our community in love. Help us to live in your light and integrity every day, so that we may be good role models for _______ and all our children. Watch over us so that we may all get home safely today. Amen
Closing Words :
Officiant to Parents:
_____ and _____, I say on behalf of all of us, go in peace and build a strong and beautiful family life. Your wishes are rooted in truth, for we have prayed with you and joined our hearts with yours. Your prayers are our prayers, that you might have a home that is full of love and righteousness for you and your child. May he grow up to reflect the best in both of you, and extend unto the world he touches, the love he receives from his mother and father. Do not fear for God will guide you always. Do not despair, for he is ever there. The spirit of God is with you always, to guide you both and bless your child.
_____ and _____, I say on behalf of all of us, go in peace and build a strong and beautiful family life. Your wishes are rooted in truth, for we have prayed with you and joined our hearts with yours. Your prayers are our prayers, that you might have a home that is full of love and righteousness for you and your child. May he grow up to reflect the best in both of you, and extend unto the world he touches, the love he receives from his mother and father. Do not fear for God will guide you always. Do not despair, for he is ever there. The spirit of God is with you always, to guide you both and bless your child.
Officiant to child:
_____The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace” Numbers 6:24
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.
Officiant to guests:
May God’s blessings rest upon you, may His peace abide with you, and may his presence illuminate your hearts now and forever more. Go in peace.
_____The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace” Numbers 6:24
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.
Officiant to guests:
May God’s blessings rest upon you, may His peace abide with you, and may his presence illuminate your hearts now and forever more. Go in peace.