Savannah's Baby Welcoming
This beautiful baby welcoming ceremony with a water blessing, was held at The Windsor Ballroom's garden gazebo.
Welcome friends and family! Today is a very special day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Savannah Raen.
What you are all about to witness here today is truly a celebration of love, and of life! As Savannah is here today, she is new and perfect, with no need of fixing nor cleansing. She is a gift. Her smile, her laughter, and her presence enrich the lives of all who know her. Less than half way through her first year here, 3 months old, and already she has made the world a better place.
This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Shawn & Samantha have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
Moment of Remembrance:
This event is also shared by those who have passed beyond this life. Their roles in the lives of Samantha & Shawn are gratefully remembered. They acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Savannah. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Savannah may come to know her ancestors and the lineage that is her birthright.
Today we simply give thanks and celebrate all the many wonderful blessings Savannah brings, and do our best to remember, and be thankful for, the very special role that we all have in her life.
Welcome friends and family! Today is a very special day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Savannah Raen.
What you are all about to witness here today is truly a celebration of love, and of life! As Savannah is here today, she is new and perfect, with no need of fixing nor cleansing. She is a gift. Her smile, her laughter, and her presence enrich the lives of all who know her. Less than half way through her first year here, 3 months old, and already she has made the world a better place.
This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Shawn & Samantha have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
Moment of Remembrance:
This event is also shared by those who have passed beyond this life. Their roles in the lives of Samantha & Shawn are gratefully remembered. They acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Savannah. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Savannah may come to know her ancestors and the lineage that is her birthright.
Today we simply give thanks and celebrate all the many wonderful blessings Savannah brings, and do our best to remember, and be thankful for, the very special role that we all have in her life.
Names have always been a powerful part of our identity. They represent the family to which we belong, the part of the world from which we come and even some part of our personality. It has been written:
There are three names by which a person is called:
One which their Father and Mother call them,
And one which people call them,
And one which they earns for themselves.
The best one of these is the one that they earn for themselves.’
As Savannah grows she will indeed claim her own titles and names, yet Shawn & Samantha have given her a name to begin her journey.”
Officiant: To parents
What name have you chosen for your child?
Father: We have chosen the name Savannah
Mother “We have also chosen the name Raen
Parental Promise:
Ladies and gentlemen, I am now going to ask Shawn & Samantha to make promises as parents in front of you, their family and friends, as such those who mean the most to them in the world.
Do you promise to nurture and protect Savannah throughout her life, promise to support and offer her guidance in the choices that she will make.
(Parents respond): We do
Do you promise to teach Savannah right from wrong, to enable her to make her place in society as a kind and caring person?
(Parents respond): We do
Do you promise to teach Savannah to celebrate diversity, never ever being aware of prejudice. Knowing no boundaries, to be loving of all that surrounds her in her life, and celebrate the similarities and differences in our world?
(Parents respond): We do. We promise to be the best parents we can.
Prayer of blessing:
Traditional Irish Blessing
May you always have walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
and all your heart might desire.
May the sun shine all day long,
Everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
And may all the wishes you wish come true.
May luck be your friend
In whatever you do
And may trouble be always
A stranger to you.
The Blessing of the Child:
(I will address Savannah and I will use the blessed water with roses to bless the top of her head, her forehead, her heart, both her hands and both her feet).
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of her head and say:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on her/his forehead and say:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over her heart and say:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her hands and say:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her feet and say:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Closing Blessing:
I congratulate Shawn & Samantha on the birth of their beautiful baby girl.
May her life be filled with the good things of life, and in particular with the love and laughter of those who make up her world.
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.
~End of Ceremony~