Myla's Baby Blessing

This is a beautiful blessing that includes a water blessing, Christening of name, Godparents and Grandparents.
Welcome friends and family! Today is a very special day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Myla.
What you are all about to witness here today is truly a celebration of love, and of life! As Myla is here today, she is new and perfect, with no need of fixing nor cleansing. She is a gift. Her smile, her laughter, and her presence enrich the lives of all who know her. Only half way through her first year here, 6months old, and already she has made the world a better place.
This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Kyle and Melissa have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
Today we simply give thanks and celebrate all the many wonderful blessings Myla brings and do our best to remember, and be thankful for, the very special role that we all have in her life.
This event is shared, if in a different way, by those who are no longer with us physically but are here in spirit as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Kyle and Melissa acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Myla. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Myla may come to know her ancestors and the lineage that is her birthright.
Welcome friends and family! Today is a very special day for all of us. It is a day in which we celebrate the birth of this child Myla.
What you are all about to witness here today is truly a celebration of love, and of life! As Myla is here today, she is new and perfect, with no need of fixing nor cleansing. She is a gift. Her smile, her laughter, and her presence enrich the lives of all who know her. Only half way through her first year here, 6months old, and already she has made the world a better place.
This child is our future and represents the light of the world. Kyle and Melissa have honored all of you today by inviting you to not only witness this beautiful welcoming ceremony, but most importantly, to participate in the blessing of this child.
Today we simply give thanks and celebrate all the many wonderful blessings Myla brings and do our best to remember, and be thankful for, the very special role that we all have in her life.
This event is shared, if in a different way, by those who are no longer with us physically but are here in spirit as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Kyle and Melissa acknowledge and honor the bloodlines, the history and the people who have all gone into the creation of Myla. They remember what it felt to be with these loved ones, and that through shared memories Myla may come to know her ancestors and the lineage that is her birthright.
Invocation (this is the beginning blessing on this service that is about to begin) :
In every birth, blessed is the wonder.
In every creation, blessed is the new beginning.
In every child, blessed is life.
In every hope, blessed is the potential.
In every transition, blessed is the beginning.
In every existence, blessed are the possibilities.
In every love, blessed are the tears.
In every life, blessed is the love.
There are three names by which a person is called:
One which her father and mother call her,
And one which people call her,
And one which she earns for herself.
The best one of these is the one that she earns for herself.’
Christening Of Name:
Names have always been a powerful part of our identity. They can represent the family to which we belong, or the part of the world from which we come and even some part of our personality.
As Myla grows she will indeed claim her own titles and names, yet Melissa and Kyle have given her a name to begin her journey.”
Officiant: To parents.
What name have you chosen for your child?
Father: We have chosen the name Myla,
Mother: “We have also chosen the name Brinn
Melissa and Kyle chose the name Myla because it is the perfect combination of Melissa and Kyle hopefully getting the best of the two of us. Brinn has the meaning of a 'noble defender' and their wish for Myla is that she will always stands up for what is right and her beliefs.
In every birth, blessed is the wonder.
In every creation, blessed is the new beginning.
In every child, blessed is life.
In every hope, blessed is the potential.
In every transition, blessed is the beginning.
In every existence, blessed are the possibilities.
In every love, blessed are the tears.
In every life, blessed is the love.
There are three names by which a person is called:
One which her father and mother call her,
And one which people call her,
And one which she earns for herself.
The best one of these is the one that she earns for herself.’
Christening Of Name:
Names have always been a powerful part of our identity. They can represent the family to which we belong, or the part of the world from which we come and even some part of our personality.
As Myla grows she will indeed claim her own titles and names, yet Melissa and Kyle have given her a name to begin her journey.”
Officiant: To parents.
What name have you chosen for your child?
Father: We have chosen the name Myla,
Mother: “We have also chosen the name Brinn
Melissa and Kyle chose the name Myla because it is the perfect combination of Melissa and Kyle hopefully getting the best of the two of us. Brinn has the meaning of a 'noble defender' and their wish for Myla is that she will always stands up for what is right and her beliefs.
Charge to Parents:
Myla has honored you by choosing you as her parents. Therefore, honor her and remember that Myla is her own being with her own thoughts and feelings. She is a child of the universe and has been given many gifts from the Divine so that she can light the way for the future. Therefore, it is important for you to support her and protect her, so that her gifts may blossom and she can make this world better than it was before.
Parental Promise:
Melissa and Kyle will you promise to love, nurture, and support Myla and to create a healthy environment so that she may grow on her specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents: We will
Myla has honored you by choosing you as her parents. Therefore, honor her and remember that Myla is her own being with her own thoughts and feelings. She is a child of the universe and has been given many gifts from the Divine so that she can light the way for the future. Therefore, it is important for you to support her and protect her, so that her gifts may blossom and she can make this world better than it was before.
Parental Promise:
Melissa and Kyle will you promise to love, nurture, and support Myla and to create a healthy environment so that she may grow on her specific path? If so, please answer “We will.”
Parents: We will
Officiant: I would like to share a poem titled Speak to Us of Children
(by Kahil Gibran)
Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them.
But seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterdays.
You are bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer seeks the mark upon the path of the infinite,
And he bends you with His might that His arrow may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness,
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
So He loves the bow that is stable.
Officiant: I would like to share a poem titled Speak to Us of Children
(by Kahil Gibran)
Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them.
But seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterdays.
You are bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer seeks the mark upon the path of the infinite,
And he bends you with His might that His arrow may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness,
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
So He loves the bow that is stable.
Charge to Godparents:
It is often mistakenly thought that the Godparents are the ones who shall raise a child in the event that the parents cannot. But this is not so. Godparents are those who promise they will be there to help the child grow spiritually. Theirs is a place in Myla’s life almost like a guardian angel. The promise is one of a physical presence in her life as someone who she knows will always be standing quietly behind her, encouraging her to make good choices, and sharing with her the lessons they themselves have learned along the way.
Today Lee and Karen have agreed to become involved in Myla’s life by promising to be there for her should she need support, wisdom, comfort and guidance.
They have been chosen by Melissa and Kyle because of their connection with them, and the family. The fact that they have been chosen by Melissa and Kyle is an indicator of their position of trust, and respect within this family.
Officiant to Godparents
While you are not Myla’s parents the place that you have both taken in her life is an
important one. Melissa and Kyle trust your motivations and your judgment completely and they take comfort in knowing that although there will be times when Myla cannot come to them, that she will always be able to come to you for guidance and support. By accepting the role of Godparent you say to Myla and the world. I promise, I will be there for you as you grow into womanhood. With this in mind I now ask you...
Godparents Vows:
Will you as best as you can, help take care of Myla?
To protect her at all times from harm?
To encourage, guide and support her in all her endeavors,
Help her recognize the beauty within herself and all things,
And to become someday not the woman we wish for her but the realization of her own hopes, dreams and the fulfillment of her soul?”
Godparents: “We will.”
May you always know how special you are to Melissa and Kyle that they would ask you to tend to the most precious thing that they have in this world."
It is often mistakenly thought that the Godparents are the ones who shall raise a child in the event that the parents cannot. But this is not so. Godparents are those who promise they will be there to help the child grow spiritually. Theirs is a place in Myla’s life almost like a guardian angel. The promise is one of a physical presence in her life as someone who she knows will always be standing quietly behind her, encouraging her to make good choices, and sharing with her the lessons they themselves have learned along the way.
Today Lee and Karen have agreed to become involved in Myla’s life by promising to be there for her should she need support, wisdom, comfort and guidance.
They have been chosen by Melissa and Kyle because of their connection with them, and the family. The fact that they have been chosen by Melissa and Kyle is an indicator of their position of trust, and respect within this family.
Officiant to Godparents
While you are not Myla’s parents the place that you have both taken in her life is an
important one. Melissa and Kyle trust your motivations and your judgment completely and they take comfort in knowing that although there will be times when Myla cannot come to them, that she will always be able to come to you for guidance and support. By accepting the role of Godparent you say to Myla and the world. I promise, I will be there for you as you grow into womanhood. With this in mind I now ask you...
Godparents Vows:
Will you as best as you can, help take care of Myla?
To protect her at all times from harm?
To encourage, guide and support her in all her endeavors,
Help her recognize the beauty within herself and all things,
And to become someday not the woman we wish for her but the realization of her own hopes, dreams and the fulfillment of her soul?”
Godparents: “We will.”
May you always know how special you are to Melissa and Kyle that they would ask you to tend to the most precious thing that they have in this world."
Acknowledgment of Grandparents:
There is no other bond quite like that of a grandparent and their grandchild.
Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. They have a special love that sets them apart from anyone else. They are always there to love you unconditionally, to listen when you feel like you’re not being heard, and to give advice that is always wise and pure of heart.
I would like to invite Mylas’s Grandmother Kathy to come forward to share a poem with us.
(Grandmother Kathy reads poem)
We had a journey in our mind that day.
We watched the years fly, where is our little boy?
The pictures that tell a story how you grew so fast.
Once a little boy with trucks and slides
to fill your day.
A grown man now who has a family.
A precious little flower,
a kiss from heaven was born that day
She'll call him Daddy, looking in her eyes,
his Reflection he will see.
Finally, he will understand the love we feel for him.
In an instant, his world has changed forever.
His journey in life on a new path, one filled with
Crayons, finger-paint and giggles.
Finding pleasure in everyday things, the world will look brand new.
We never thought we could love our little boy more, but on this day when he placed our grandchild in our arms we swear we do.
We realize what a gift we have received.
Our child's child amazed as we kiss her soft cheek.
We will reach for our son's hand, to offer encouragement and support.
Yesterday's memories tucked away in our heart.
Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Amazed by the love we have for both of them.
A part of our souls he now passes on to her.
The best father he wants to be.
A secret We whisper to him--A life filled with honesty and unconditional love
That my son, is the key.
What is a Family?"
A family is .....
The sweetest feelings
The warmest hugs
Trust and togetherness
Unconditional love
The stories of our lives written on the same page
The nicest memories anyone has ever made
Treasured photos
Thankful tears
Hearts overflowing with all the years
Being there for one another
Supporting and caring
Understanding, Helping, Sharing
Walking life's path together
And making the journey more beautiful because .....
We are a family.....And a family
is Love.
We couldn't be happier that Myla Brinn is here as part of our family.
We wish you the best of everything in your lifetime.
May you want for nothing, may you appreciate what you have,
may you know what it is to love and be loved in our Family.
We love you more than words can express.
And now I would like to invite Marylou, Myla’s Nana Mare to share a poem with us.
(Nana Mare reads):
Myla's Blessing:
Today we officially welcome you.
We wish you long life and much happiness.
May you face all challenges that come to you as a person of integrity.
May you continue to bring great joy to your parents, your grandparents, family, friends and to all those who come to know you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you.
May wonder fulfill you and love surround you.
May your step be steady and your arm be strong.
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true.
May you live to love and may you love always.
May all your wishes come true.
May you always do for others and let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars and climb every rung.
And may you stay forever young.
May you grow to be righteous, may you grow up to be true.
May you always know the truth, and see the light that's surrounding you.
May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong.
And may you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy, and may your feet always be swift.
May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change shift.
May your heart always be joyful and may your song always be sung.
And may you stay forever young.
Love Nana
Thank You Melissa
Thank you Melissa for the gift you gave to me.
A happier grandmother the will never be.
This beautiful little girl, so tiny, so small
Brought joy to my life, smiles to us all.
I see you in her face,
even tho' her eyes are blue
This little girl is a carbon copy of you.
And just like you, she will grow oh so fast
These precious moments you know won't last.
Cherish every second, every minute, every day
You'll be astounded by how fast time flys away.
I know a wonderful mother you will surely be
As wonderful as the daughter you have been to me.
There are no words on earth or up above
That for you and Myla can express my love.
Officiant to grandparents: May you always be aware of how special the extraordinary relationship of trust and mutual enjoyment between child and grandparent is.
There is no other bond quite like that of a grandparent and their grandchild.
Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. They have a special love that sets them apart from anyone else. They are always there to love you unconditionally, to listen when you feel like you’re not being heard, and to give advice that is always wise and pure of heart.
I would like to invite Mylas’s Grandmother Kathy to come forward to share a poem with us.
(Grandmother Kathy reads poem)
We had a journey in our mind that day.
We watched the years fly, where is our little boy?
The pictures that tell a story how you grew so fast.
Once a little boy with trucks and slides
to fill your day.
A grown man now who has a family.
A precious little flower,
a kiss from heaven was born that day
She'll call him Daddy, looking in her eyes,
his Reflection he will see.
Finally, he will understand the love we feel for him.
In an instant, his world has changed forever.
His journey in life on a new path, one filled with
Crayons, finger-paint and giggles.
Finding pleasure in everyday things, the world will look brand new.
We never thought we could love our little boy more, but on this day when he placed our grandchild in our arms we swear we do.
We realize what a gift we have received.
Our child's child amazed as we kiss her soft cheek.
We will reach for our son's hand, to offer encouragement and support.
Yesterday's memories tucked away in our heart.
Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Amazed by the love we have for both of them.
A part of our souls he now passes on to her.
The best father he wants to be.
A secret We whisper to him--A life filled with honesty and unconditional love
That my son, is the key.
What is a Family?"
A family is .....
The sweetest feelings
The warmest hugs
Trust and togetherness
Unconditional love
The stories of our lives written on the same page
The nicest memories anyone has ever made
Treasured photos
Thankful tears
Hearts overflowing with all the years
Being there for one another
Supporting and caring
Understanding, Helping, Sharing
Walking life's path together
And making the journey more beautiful because .....
We are a family.....And a family
is Love.
We couldn't be happier that Myla Brinn is here as part of our family.
We wish you the best of everything in your lifetime.
May you want for nothing, may you appreciate what you have,
may you know what it is to love and be loved in our Family.
We love you more than words can express.
And now I would like to invite Marylou, Myla’s Nana Mare to share a poem with us.
(Nana Mare reads):
Myla's Blessing:
Today we officially welcome you.
We wish you long life and much happiness.
May you face all challenges that come to you as a person of integrity.
May you continue to bring great joy to your parents, your grandparents, family, friends and to all those who come to know you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you.
May wonder fulfill you and love surround you.
May your step be steady and your arm be strong.
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true.
May you live to love and may you love always.
May all your wishes come true.
May you always do for others and let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars and climb every rung.
And may you stay forever young.
May you grow to be righteous, may you grow up to be true.
May you always know the truth, and see the light that's surrounding you.
May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong.
And may you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy, and may your feet always be swift.
May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change shift.
May your heart always be joyful and may your song always be sung.
And may you stay forever young.
Love Nana
Thank You Melissa
Thank you Melissa for the gift you gave to me.
A happier grandmother the will never be.
This beautiful little girl, so tiny, so small
Brought joy to my life, smiles to us all.
I see you in her face,
even tho' her eyes are blue
This little girl is a carbon copy of you.
And just like you, she will grow oh so fast
These precious moments you know won't last.
Cherish every second, every minute, every day
You'll be astounded by how fast time flys away.
I know a wonderful mother you will surely be
As wonderful as the daughter you have been to me.
There are no words on earth or up above
That for you and Myla can express my love.
Officiant to grandparents: May you always be aware of how special the extraordinary relationship of trust and mutual enjoyment between child and grandparent is.
The Blessing of the Child:
(I will address the new baby and I will use the blessed water with roses to bless the top of her/his head, her/his forehead, her/his heart, both her/his hands and both her/his feet).
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of her/his head and say:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on her/his forehead and say:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over her heart and say:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his hands and say:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his feet and say:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Closing Blessing
I congratulate Melissa and Kyle on the birth of their baby, and the Godparents on their willingness to share with them the care and concern for the welfare of Myla.
May her life be filled with the good things of life, and in particular with the love and laughter of those who make up her world.
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.
(I will address the new baby and I will use the blessed water with roses to bless the top of her/his head, her/his forehead, her/his heart, both her/his hands and both her/his feet).
Officiant rubs the blessed water on the top of her/his head and say:
You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on her/his forehead and say:
All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.
Officiant rubs the blessed water over her heart and say:
Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his hands and say:
Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.
Officiant rubs the blessed water on both her/his feet and say:
Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.
Closing Blessing
I congratulate Melissa and Kyle on the birth of their baby, and the Godparents on their willingness to share with them the care and concern for the welfare of Myla.
May her life be filled with the good things of life, and in particular with the love and laughter of those who make up her world.
With abiding confidence and affection, we send you forth on your journey of life. May you be filled with thanks and wonder, humor and fun, hope and perseverance so that you may grow in wisdom and grace.